Yes! You can transfer available Uncommon Giving Wallet balance to your family and friends to help them start their philanthropic journey or help them in their existing support.
You can transfer available Uncommon Giving Wallets balance to other Uncommon Giving account holders through your "Dashboard". What better way to get someone started or to help someone with their current fundraising efforts! Just follow the steps below!
(Please note that your recipient will need to have an active Uncommon Giving account to process the transfer. If they are new to Uncommon Giving, they can join at
- Log in to
- Click "My Giving"
- Click "Give"
- Click "Transfer"
- Select "To another person"
- Enter the recipient's email address associated with their Uncommon Giving account
- Enter the amount you would like to transfer
- Enter a message to the recipient that will be included in an email notification to them
- optional: You can elect to make the transfer anonymous.
- If you select "Show transfer as anonymous for the recipient", your name and email will not be provided to the recipient
- Click "Next"
- And that's it! Your transfer will happen immediately to help your family and friends support causes important to them!
Pro-Tip: You can view your available and pending balance by clicking the flip arrow icon next to your Wallet balance.