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  2. Employees & Donors

How do I request a match from my employer for a gift I have already made?

For participating employer partners, you can request an offline gift match!

You can easily request an offline gift match from your employer (if participating) for a gift you have already made to amplify your support!  To do so, simply-

  • Log into UncommonGiving.com
  • Click "My Giving"
  • Click "Give" tab
  • Click "Offline Gift Matches" tab
  • Click "Request Offline Gift Match"
  • Search for the nonprofit
  • Click "Select" on the nonprofit card you would like to request an offline match
    • Please note that if you click elsewhere on the nonprofit card, you will be taken through the donation workflow
  • Verify the nonprofit's basic information on the following screen
  • Enter "Gift Date"
  • Enter "Gift Amount" for the amount you would like matched
    • Please refer to your employer's offline gift match program for offline match guidelines
  • Upload a .JPG or .PNG receipt in "Gift Receipt" by clicking "Choose File"
  • Click "Next"
  • Select your employer under "Organization"
  • Click "Submit Match Request"
  • And then your offline gift match request will be submitted to your employer's program administrators for processing!

Please contact us help@uncommongiving.com for any other questions or assistance.

And thank you for allowing Uncommon Giving to assist you in your charitable journey!