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  2. Employees & Donors

How Do I Make a Donation?

You can easily donate to nonprofits on Uncommon Giving!

Here are the steps to make a donation on Uncommon Giving,

1.  Log into your Uncommon Giving donor account

  • If you do not have an Uncommon Giving donor account, you can easily create one.
    • You can find our knowledge base article on how to create an account here-
      • https://help.uncommongiving.com/knowledge/how-do-i-create-an-uncommon-giving-account
    • Please note, if you are associated with a workplace that has an Uncommon Giving generosity program, please use the email invite referenced in the above article to create you Uncommon Giving donor account AND connect it to your workplace.

2.  Once logged in, you can search multiple way for nonprofits to support

  • "Search & Donate"
    • Then search by organization name, city, state, etc
    • If you can not find a nonprofit in our database, please use our "Can't find your nonprofit? Click here" feature located on this page
  • "My Nonprofits"
    • These are your favorited, or previously supported nonprofits
  • "My Organization"
    • This menu will be displayed to you if your workplace has an Uncommon Giving generosity program and you have successfully connected to it
  • "My Giving" > " Give"
    • This menu will show your donation history with a feature to easily "Give Again" 

3.  Review the selected nonprofits's Uncommon Giving profile

  • Since many nonprofits may have the same name or similar name, we suggest reviewing the organization's profile data to ensure it is the organization you would like to support. ie - EIN, Address, Contact, Website

4.  Click "Give Now" to start the donation process "1. Choose Amount"

5.  "Amount" - Donation amount

6.  "Frequency" - You can make a one-time donation or setup a recurring monthly donation

7.  "Tell us why you are giving" - Provide a note that will be shared with the nonprofit

  • "I am giving on behalf of someone" - You can add a tribute note in honor or memory of someone(s)

8.  Click "Next" to proceed to payment method options "2. Choose Payment"

9.  Select a "Payment Method"

  • Personal
    • Choose from your Uncommon Wallet balance (if applicable), Debit Card, or Credit Card
  • UGIV Together
    • This feature allows you to collaborate with other generous Uncommon Giving donors to raise funds as a group. ie Peer-to-Peer

10. Click "Next" to proceed to "3. Confirm Gift"

  • This is the final step of your donation
  • Review your donation details
    • "Nonprofit Name"
    • "Payment Method"
    • "Gift Amount"
    • "Privacy Settings"
      • If you wish to donate anonymously, select "Show gift as Anonymous" option
      • If you donate anonymously, we do not share your full name or share your email address with the nonprofit
      • Any notes in "Reason for giving" and "I am giving on behalf of someone" are still shared with the nonprofit.

11.  Review and acknowledge our "Terms of Use" and "Privacy Policy" by selecting the checkbox

12.  Submit

Your donation will then be processed by our team and sent to the nonprofit you are supporting!


Please let us know if you have any questions. We're here to help.