You can easily set up automatic recurring donations to support any IRS-approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is in good standing on!
While making a gift to support the nonprofit of your choice on, you can choose to make a one-time gift or a monthly recurring gift during the donation checkout.
At the "Frequency" step, you can select either "One-time" or "Monthly". The Uncommon Giving default option is "One-Time".
When you select "Monthly", you will an on-screen notification:
- "Your first gift will be withdrawn today"
- "Your next gift will be withdrawn on <next month, current day>". (The date is customizable)
- Future respective recurring monthly gifts will be made on the day you select
- "And continue monthly until <no end date>." (End date is customizable)
On checkout screen 3, "Confirm Gift" of the gift checkout process, you will see the next scheduled monthly gift within the "Summary" section.
Once you click "Submit" on the "Confirm Gift" screen, you are are on the way to supporting your cause on a set-it-and-forget monthly basis! It's easy as that!
To edit Recurring Gift instructions, check out this article!